Biennial Gatherings

Our large biennial gatherings bring the wider Creation Spirituality community together for a few days to build momentum, consider the Gathering’s theme in depth and celebrate as a community. The Gatherings are held in different cities, often as guests of a local Creation Spirituality community. Each Gathering includes daily body prayer, a keynote speaker, workshops, discussion, plenaries, and a Cosmic Mass or Cosmic Ritual.

At these gatherings, we can see each other, dance, sing, and learn together. They keep us in touch and moving forward, catching up on latest practices and fueling our desire to create a culture attuned to the paradigms of creation and the spiritual community of Earth.

Small Group Gatherings

At Creation Spirituality Communities, we recognize that gathering in community is the richest way for us to access Spirit and experience needed sustenance.

Small groups are one way to be in community that does not require all of the organization and scaffolding of larger groups. In some areas, there are only a few people who know about Creation Spirituality and want to meet with others to share ideas, meditate, sing, and enjoy fellowship.

Many larger gatherings stem from seeds planted in small group communities. However, this program supports groups that are satisfied to remain small so they can take advantage of their flexibility, creativity, and deeper relationships.

The CSC Small Group Team has developed a kit to help you get started with your group. The CSC Board is also developing resources to keep you going. These materials, plus the contact information for members who are living in your region and may want to join you, will be available on our members’s resource page.

Interested in starting your own CS Small Group?

Four Paths Project

The four paths of Creation Spirituality as outlined on the opening page of this website—Via Positiva, Via Negativa, Via Creativa, Via Positiva----are one of the essential teachings of Creation Spirituality which can be engaged through the CS Four Paths Project. This is a series of four presentations online which provide a personalized sharing of the meaning of each path by an individual who has experienced it. Each session provides time for going intuitively and deeply into that path for oneself by engaging in a variety of Art as Meditation experiences. These include: a personal art project, creative writing, music, and explorations of where one senses one is being called to act for sustainable living.

These can be engaged by individuals at their own pace. Or a small group might want to meet to experience them together. A third alternative is to work with a CSCommunity board member to do a retreat type of experience for a group over two or three days.

However you choose to explore the Four Paths Project, you will encounter familiar names and faces of those who studied and taught at the University of Creation Spirituality while it was operating as well as new individuals who are currently sharing their offerings with us. This provides a succinct introduction for new seekers but can equally be a refresher for others. Explore as you wish but do explore! Stay tuned for our release date!

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