Building community with people who want to integrate sacred earth and human existence.
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We envision a world where all humans live in an aligned and healthy relationship with Creation. We have an evolving and common global consciousness and practice of a loving & respectful relationship with Creation. By honoring all spiritual traditions, we enliven the interconnected web of life. We model open, and emerging perspectives by focusing on Creation itself and advocate for justice for all forms of life. We reclaim our original blessing.
Core Values
Creation Spirituality Communities, Inc. (CSC) is a network of communities and individuals that believe in the sacredness of all Creation. We believe that awe is a gift – a response to Creation and the cosmos and the first step toward transformation. We believe in the value of silence and emptying – in the richness of feeling all our emotions and honoring loss. We are radically progressive and traditionally mystical. We come from many spiritual traditions, cultures, races, ages, abilities, genders, and sexual orientations.
Twelve Principles of
Creation Spirituality Communities
Our mission is to build community with those who seek to unify sacred earth and human existence. Radically progressive and traditionally mystical, we believe in the sacredness of all Creation. We come from many spiritual traditions, cultures, races, ages, abilities, genders, and sexual orientations.
Our Story
Creation Spirituality Communities was created in response to a spiritual vision given to its founder, Susan Coppage Evans, at Chartres Cathedral in the summer of 2005. After months of discernment with Matthew Fox and other Creation Spirituality leaders, nine people were invited to serve on the original Creation Spirituality Communities Board of Directors. It was incorporated through the Revised Colorado Corporate Nonprofit Act in 2008.
By 2005, Creation Spirituality had become a movement involving graduates from the University of Creation Spirituality and the various earlier Creation Spirituality programs at other institution plus many who had heard Matt Fox speak or read his books. Creation Spirituality Communities was created to support this groundswell of commitment to embrace the sacredness of creation and provide opportunities for mutual support among the leaders, musicians, activists, artists, counselors, engineers, chaplains, economists, and others within the movement.
The new board began by offering avenues of communication within the movement through a quarterly newsletter, a monthly leaders’ conference, and an online social site. As the University of Creation Spirituality closed, they began to explore ways to continue Creation Spirituality education through a certificate program and later an ordination program.
Every two years, Creation Spirituality Communities brings the wider community together for a 3-4 day gathering to dance, sing, and grow together, proposing new ways to create a spiritual culture in tune with the paradigms of creation. From these gatherings, the board has developed a small group program, Elder Wisdom InnerViews, and CS Immersion Retreats. Creation Spirituality Communities is continually evolving in response to the needs of our community and the visionary capacities of its members.
CSC Board of Directors
Rev. Mel Bricker BA, MST, MA, DMin Emiritus Board Member
Emeritus Board Member focused on issues of hunger, spirituality, and healing prayer as a United Methodist minister before moving to California to study with Matthew Fox. In California, he became Fox’s personal assistant and co-director of the Doctor of Ministry program at the University of Creation Spirituality. He is a founding board member of CSC. Mel does Spiritual Companioning. He connects to nature through his garden and through immersing his hands in clay as he creates ceramic vessels. He lives with his husband, Paul, in Walnut Creek, CA.
Mary Ann Wamhoff, M.A. Ed., M.A. TESL, Board President
Mary Ann grew up a Roman Catholic in St. Louis, MO. In the early ‘90s, Mary Ann’s spiritual director had studied Creation Spirituality and taught Art as Meditation.
While living in Santa Fe, NM, she and her husband embraced a liberal Episcopal faith community for which Mary Ann spearheaded and helped build a 48-foot Chartres-style labyrinth. It was also in Santa Fe that she decided to train as a labyrinth facilitator, and this is presently her work in the world. She is introducing her new central Virginian community to labyrinths. Mary Ann embraces labyrinth activism and loves to present workshops about the labyrinth.
While she has never stopped studying (most recently, Creation Spirituality, Deep Time, and mystics), it was during the pandemic that Mary Ann finally had time to really delve into the Sacred Feminine, study with Matthew online, and participate in the Creation Spirituality Interfaith Worship Experience. She developed a CS way to walk the labyrinth and has taught this.
Penny Andrews, Vice President
a retired chaplain , permaculturist and facilitator of the Work that Reconnects.
She graduated from UCS in 2001 and is a spiritual companion, workshop leader and presenter in Unitarian congregations. She is also active with the DeepTime Network as meditation mentor and learner. Penny and Gail Ransom are regular moderators of the webinar, Creation in Crisis, a CSC sponsored offering.
Robyn Hubbard
Robyn HubbardRobyn Hubbard, DMin. (Wisdom University, 2006) is a psychotherapist, Certified Bereavement Care Counselor, spiritual companion, and dreamwork guide supporting people compassionately through their growth and evolution, experiences of grief and loss, life transitions, illness and end of life.
She integrates somatic and ancient wisdom practices into her work with individuals as well as facilitation with groups, retreats, and community rituals using her integrated process of the Four Paths of Soulful Living and Grieving. She has over twenty years of experience and passion working with a diverse age-range identifying resource and resilience while living soulfully with the challenges of living and dying.
Charlie Dorsett
Charlie Dorsett is the founder of Seraphic Grove and hosts the podcasts Creation's Paths, Hallowstead, and Church of the Oak. As a nonbinary Christopagan Druid, science fiction and fantasy author, podcaster, and artist, Charlie brings a unique blend of creativity and spiritual depth to their work.
They serve as a vision keeper for sacred spaces within the Charter for Compassion and have practiced Creation Spirituality since 1999, inspired by Matthew Fox’s teachings. A lifelong mystic with a deep connection to saints and angels, Charlie has delved into western esotericism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Shamanic Judaism. Their personal spiritual practice, shared through the Wisdom’s Cry website, reflects their belief in the power of lived spirituality.
Elda Luisi, Treasurer
A native New Yorker, Elda has a varied employment history. She is presently and has been for 7 years the bookkeeper for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. She recently completed a stint as an ESL teacher in the Bronx for two years and prior to that ran the office for Pax Christi Metro, New York. Her theatrical career includes two years as Grandma in Tony n Tina‘s Wedding in the Broadway district and several bit parts in movies and TV. In 1991 she went to Oakland to study with Matthew Fox and Brian Swimme in the ICS program and got her degree in Creation Spirituality, a life changing experience.
Diza Velasco
Diza is a co-founding director of Rockhaven Ecozoic Center (2003). Gifted in ritual, soul-work, and play, she lends her spirit to the ecozoic community in the St. Louis area. As teacher, spiritual companion, and soul (end-of-life) midwife, she facilitates retreats, gives workshops, and leads worship ceremonies and rituals. Diza is committed to fostering the sacred feminine dimension of the Divine and promoting an evolutionary consciousness while engaging in the “Great Work” of our time.
Michael Mansfield, Secretary
Michael Mansfield began his Creation Spirituality journey in 1978 when he first heard Matthew Fox presenting at the National Pastoral Music Convention in Detroit, MI. In 1986, he studied at Holy Names College’s Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality (ICCS) in Oakland, CA with Luisah Teish and experienced Matthew’s liturgical exploration at The Mass of the Inner Child. In fall of 1986 until spring of 1992, Michael began teaching Creation Spirituality through dance, drama, and ritual at Pacific School of Religion at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. In 1994, he joined the faculty at ICCS. In Fall of 1996, Creation Spirituality moved “On Broadway” in downtown Oakland as The University of Creation Spirituality (UCS). Michael continued as faculty and began serving in the administration during the founding of this new moment in Creation Spirituality history. From 1996 until the present, Michael has been involved in The University of Creation Spirituality and Wisdom University in all of its many incarnations. Currently, he collaborates with the creative Creation Spirituality teams organizing First Sundays and Creation Spirituality Community Gatherings. His interest is in the intersection of dance, theater, education, justice, and Spirit. He has a kinesthetic bias.
Meet the Support Team
Vision Keeper
Rev. Dr. Carolyn Million, MD,
Board President has been mixing ministry and medicine all of her adult life. She grew up in the Baptist church, but most of her profound early experiences of God were in nature. She pursued ordained ministry through the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where her clinical pastoral education inspired her to study medicine. In 2002, she was Matt Fox’s surgeon, which led her to pursue a DMin in Creation Spirituality. She now has a part time private solo practice in Proctology in San Francisco and lives with her husband and teenage children on Alameda island.