An exciting new educational opportunity is available through CSC.  This program is for those who want to immerse themselves more deeply in the essential teachings of Creation Spirituality as articulated by Matthew Fox.

CSC feels that the wisdom and tradition of Creation Spirituality is vital to be passed on and taught by others well versed and steeped in this spirituality for individual enrichment and for the sake of sustainable living in our day.  It is a part of the new paradigm emerging as an understanding of who we are and what we are about as humans living interdependently with all creation.

Where would this program lead a participant?  It depends on the interests and life circumstances of the participant.  It might be teaching, hosting book studies, engaging in CS rituals, leading retreats, engaging in prophetic social action or incorporating the wisdom in whatever ones work in life is.

The six basic courses required for the program are:

  • Intro to Creation Spirituality  
  • Reinventing Work for Society
  • Cosmology   
  • Mystics, Mysticism and Ourselves as Mystic Prophets Aug-Sept
  • Your Path to Deep Ecumenicism Jan-February 2023
  • When Our Spirits Go Awry March-April 2023   

Classes run for 6-7 weeks.  They are 1.75 to 2 hours per week.

Individuals can join at any time and take those already completed when the next round of courses begins.

The cost is $240.00 per course.

Electives are $120.00 per course.

Persons not enrolled in the Certificate program can register for single courses as auditors.  

To Apply for the CSC Certificate Program:

The Scholarship Policy for CSC Certificate Program

  • Only students who have been accepted into the Certificate Program may apply.
  • Scholarship applications will be required for each class.
  • Students must have completed previous class requirements to be eligible.
  • Scholarship applications must be made before each class registration ends.
  • Scholarships will be given only to students in financial need.
  • No full scholarships are available, and will be limited to $120.00 per class.
For questions about our new educational offerings or to inquire about a scholarship, please reach out to Nathan DeMay: